Subject : # 14159 Curs Monogrŕfic de Literatura Anglesa Grupo A

Student´s name :
Patricia Sebastián Hernández



Abstract :


This web page contains the papers I have done during the course. One of the reasons why I chose this subject was beacause I  always liked Shakespeare, and it has been really interesting to me to learn more about his characters and his plays. I have always liked complex characters and this subject has allowed me to enriched my knowledge on Shakespeare.





Having to do with the auto-evaluation, I have to say that I have worked quite hard on each paper; I have attended to all the classes which, I think, proves my interest on the subject. I have enjoyed it very much but as, I said before, I really like Shakespeare so I knew I was going to like the course.


However, I think that the most important thing is that I have learnt new things and have understand a little bit more Shakespeare's plays and characters, which I think is what really matters in the end. The web page is not a masterpiece, I'll admit it, but I did my best. This is why I think I deserve a "notable" or "sobresaliente".





Academic year 2006/2007

© a.r.e.a. / Dr.Vicente Forés López

© Patricia Sebastián Hernández
Universitat de Valčncia Press