Ulysses was published in 1922. The story occurs in Dublin(1904) Leopold Bloom is the main character, whose wife is called Molly.Stephan Dedalus is important in this novel too. All of them reflect the common man.

It can be consider as a philosophical novel. Dubliners limit the power of memory by representing the mind of the individual subject circumscribed by personal memory. The individual subject dissolves into the sea of human language, time and memory. Ulysses represents a transition between these extremes of subjectivity and universality. The novel contains the concious and unconcious assumptions and conflicts about mind and memory encountred by a modernIrish writer well.read in a number of traditions, including classical and Renaissance Writings on memory.


information obteined from: http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/rickard/JoyceIntro.html