Student´s name: Raquel Rico Espuig

Title of the paper: A Study of the novel “ Alice in Wonderland”

Author or topic: Lewis Carroll
Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:
I´d like to make a research about Lewis Carroll, and mainly I will focus my study on his most important and famous novel: Alice in Wonderland. In my opinion, it is interesting how this author, describing a dream, can keep everything under an incredible mathematic logic and order. It is  also of important relevance the critic of the victorian period through a fantastic dream, where all that can be seen means the contrary. To sum up, I´ll try to base my research on the most important aspects of the novel and the writer:
- Period in which the author lived and reasons which bring him to write the novel
- Ways in which Carroll caricatures the society
- Use of a world of dreams, giving great reality to an absurd story. Analisys of the paradoxes
- Compare how the novel was understood and criticized in the XIXth century and nowadays

     Code: 4879

Academic year 1998/1999
12.Marzo 1999
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© nombre del alumno
Universitat de València Press