Student's name:  Roselló Martí, Rosa
Title of the paper:Eighteenth centuary
Author or topic:Daniel Defoe
Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:
   My work deals with eighteeth centuary. I will explain the characteristics of this century such as stability, constitucional monarchy and continuities in classicism. Early eighteenth century we find Augustan and mid late century sensibility. This  century is also important in literature because of the rise of the novel with Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe and with satire we find Alexandre Pope:Rape of the Lock.So, I will briefly explain Alexander Pope but I wil focus in greater detail on Daniel Defoe with his novel Robinson Crusoe. I will take a small abstract of his whole novel and I will try to take characteristics of this century.
 Autoevaluation: Notable
Academic year 1999/2000
5 noviembre 1999
© Narrativa II/Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Rosa Roselló Martí



València Universitat  Press