“Winter Break”, was created by Adrienne Eisen, the only hypertext winner of the New Media Invision Award. Adrienne Eisen started to create hypertexts in 1992. Throughout her career, she has written a lot of important hypertexts, such as “Making Scenes”, “The Interview”, ”Considering a baby?” , “What fits” and “Six Sex Scenes”
The main part of my paper will consist of an analysis of the external vision of the hypertext. For example, I will explain how the hypertext is constructed, how many pages it has, how we can pass from one page to another, the type of letters, if it has images and music or not, etc.
To make the shape of the hypertext easier to be understood, I´m going to do an outline with all the possible paths that we can follow in the hypertext. And also I´m going to do a brief summary of each scene.
Now I´m going to comment the first impression that I have had when I read it for the first time. At first, it was difficult for me to get used to this kind of text because when I followed all the paths, it´s seems that the hypertext would never finish.
On the other hand, when I read it several times, I found that this kind of text can be very interesting because of the way you can interact in the hypertext by choosing your own paths.
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© María Ruiz Peris
Universitat de València Press