In this part of the paper, I´m going to describe the external aspects of the hypertext, and also I´m going to mention which is the structure of this.
Adrienne Eisen´s hypertext starts with a page in which we can find the name of the hypertext and three links. One of them let us to contact with the author, another sends us to the Amazon's web-site (, where we can buy her hypertext “Making Scenes”, and the third link send us to a web-page, where we can read her others hypertexts. Finally, if you click on the title, you will access to the first page of the hypertext.
When you are situated in the first page of the hypertext, you can observe that each page is headed with another title. This title is written with informal letters and uses purple colour (in all the pages).Then you have the text and on the bottom of the page, the author gives you three or four links as much. One of this links (which is the last), will send you to the first page of the hypertext (home), and the rest will introduce you other parts of the hypertext with just a click. All the hypertext consists of 33 pages.
The fact that the author gives you the chance to choose the path that you want, gives to the hypertext a kind of freedom. And also what seems to me very interesting is the fact that you can make various readings of the same text.
Like I´ve said before, the author uses a kind of letter very informal in the titles. Another thing that grab my attention is the use of bold letters in the beginning of each page, that for example in the page “The Edward-Albee Type” uses for introduce the item of this part of the text “This is how I meet Allie:...”.
In order to talk about the linguistic format, I can comment that Adrienne Eisen makes an important usage of the dialogue during the hypertext, this kind of interaction, under my point of view, makes the reader focus their attention. On the other hand, the usage of informal words is also relevant in this text.
These are some examples of informal words:
• zits : INFORMAL a temporary small raised spot on the skin
• flabby: INFORMAL DISAPPROVING soft an fat
• fuck: INFORMAL to have sex with someone
• gooey: soft and sticky
• messy: producing or causing dirt and untidiness
This hypertext is written in first person. At the beginning of the text we realize that the narrator is at the same time the main character.
In this hypertext there is a lack of images and music, but the most important for me is the lack of a link that gives you the possibility to see the page before.
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© María Ruiz Peris
Universitat de València Press