First Paper

Student's name: Sara Mª Matoses Jaén
Title of the paper: The ideal society in the future: The Brave New World.
Author: Aldous Huxley
    The present paper aims to study an intellectual noveol based on a future society, that obviously does not exist; but with such a development in science, could become true. I shall examine how the author has dared to predict how society could be in a non so further future.
    This leads to a critical conclusion about this sort of society; a society particularly dread because as we may see is conditioned and has lost all its moral values. It is the kind of society we all expect for its development in science, but at the same time we do not want it to come true.

    Autoevaluation: excellent.

    Academic year: 1999-2000.
    Publishing date line: 26-11-99.
    ©a.r.e.a/ Dr. Vicente Forés López.
    ©Sara Mª Matoses Jaén.
     Universitat de València Press.