First Paper

     Student´s Name: Sara Mª Matoses Jaén.
    Title of the Paper: Living Under Pressure: Hard times.
    Author: Charles Dickens.
        This work aims to give an insight into the situation lived in england during the 19th century because of the Industrial Revolution in England.The main focuss is put on the working class, the people who suffered the consequences of such a development.
        My procedure will be to establish a critical criterion on British society at such a "Hard Times", focussing as the author does, on the working class, to whom imagination and freedom were snatched away from their lives, but they could be rescued of the everlasting unhappiness thanks to the good actions the author gives to its characters.

    Autoevaluation: Excellent.

    Academic year:1999-2000.
    Publishing date line: 26-11-99.
    ©a.r.e.a/ Dr. Vicente Forés López.
    Universitat de València Press.