My aim in both novels was to make the readers know, how was the society in England. In spite of being so distant centuries, Hard Times in the 19th century and Brave new world, in the 21st more or less,  both have a society that lives conditionated, under pressure... What would be the clue? In my opinion is nothing but freedom.
    We could trace a chronological line connecting both societies. The starting point would be the society of 19th century. They live under the domains of a group of persons who want to improve their business and to earn money, in spite their workers are unhappy. They do not really care about other people feelings, but themselves. Their main object is to improve the world, not just the world, but theirown world: make it better, make it happier... If we could trace this imaginary line, we could easily finish in the kind of society described by Huxley. From my own point of view, this society is more unhappy than the one Hard Times describes, because in this one, they are so conditionated, that they not even have any future expectations.
    The fact is that Hard Times is based in a society that existed; but , this society coul develop up to the point to become the Brave New World´s society?