We could define it as a grey novel that represses the feelings of its characters. Its main objective is to demonstrate how the utilitarism leads on unhappiness.
        This novel reflects the big contrast that exists between the social classes: patrons, workers... These ones are not very lucky, but  at the end of the story they´ll be happy thanks to the appeal that the author does to the good feelings. Finally good actions and good feelings win the social battle, the battle against the ones who want to domain the world.
        There are two kinds of characters: the ones who want to domain the world, like Gradinind , whose name, like many others in Dickens, is motivatied because it suggests other English terms like grading, graduating, gradual,grinding... These charactes do not want to accept another life style but theirown. They are only worried about money, work and work, to take benefits and benefits. The other kind of characters are those like Cecilia Jupe and all around her world. That is the world of the circus, a world of imagination, good feelings, happiness. But this world is the victim of the other world: the world where only exists sadness, work, repression...