Lewis Carroll Society Membership

The Lewis Carroll Society was established in 1969 to bring together people with an interest in
Charles Dodgson, to promote interest in his life and works and to encourage research. The
Society has an international membership, including scholars, writers and collectors - in fact, all the
leading authorities on Lewis Carroll as well as enthusiasts who simply enjoy his works!

We hold regular meetings in London (almost monthly) and at least once a year, we organise a
group visit to a town or place with a Carrollian connection. Other activities include a
comprehensive publishing programme, helping to establish or repair memorials, organising
conferences and much more.

Membership of the Lewis Carroll Society is available to all and at a relatively low cost. Members
receive a newsletter (quarterly), scholarly journal (half-yearly), a reviewing journal (at least
quarterly) and various occasional publications. Other benefits include meetings, special offers,
admissions to exhibitions and events and, of course, the opportunity to meet and communicate
with other Carroll enthusiasts.

If you'd like to join, then why not e-mail us and we'll tell you more.

Subscriptions are paid annually as follows:

Members with addresses in the U.K:

Individual members: 13 pounds

Retired Members: 10 pounds

Institutions: 26 pounds

Additional family members: 2 pounds


Members with addresses elsewhere in Europe:

Individual members: 15 pounds

Retired Members: 12 pounds

Institutions: 28 pounds

Additional family members: 2 pounds


Members with addresses outside Europe:

Individual members: 17 pounds or 30 US Dollars

Retired Members: 14 pounds or 25 US Dollars

Institutions: 30 pounds or 55 US Dollars

Additional family members: 2 pounds or 3 US Dollar