Alice's Adventure Anywhere

The Adventures under Ground were written out by hand and illustrated by the author, Charles
Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), between 1862 and 1864 for presentation in manuscript as a
Christmas gift to Alice Liddell’s mother. Alice Liddell was the ten-year-old girl to whom Dodgson
is said to have extemporized the nucleus of the “Alice” story while boating on the Thames on the
afternoon of July 4, 1862.

In 1863, friends who had read Alice’s Adventures under Ground persuaded Dodgson to
publish his story. He expanded the 18,000 word original to the 35,000 word final version,
changed the name to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and saw the first edition published in
1865 by Macmillan of London.

--from the Dolphin Book edition notes

Illustrations in Alice’s Adventures Underground by Lewis Carroll. Illustrations in Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland, including the title graphic on this page, by Sir John Tenniel.

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