Student & acute´s name: Silvia Borrás Vila
Title of the paper: Lewis Carroll : A Nonsense Writer.
Author or topic: Lewis Carroll.
Abstract: The work I am going to carry out, will deal with different themes about Lewis Carroll´s works. This writer was a product of victorian ages although he was a writer of the 20th Century without knowing it.
“Lewis Carroll” (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), was full of ingenious ideas. The aim  of these works is try to know how his opinions and his single point of view reshape reality. Secondly, the period when Carroll wrote is considered the golden age of British book illustration. Studying this point in Alice in Wonderland , we will look up what different interpretative strategies does the reader have to employ in front of the verbal text alone or the combination of word and image.
Finally, in order to demonstrate that Lewis Carroll was one of the most well known of the Nonsense Writers, some different points of view about this issue will be showed.
Auto-evaluation: Excellent.
Academic year 1998/1999
4596 A Narrativa en Lengua Inglesa II
12th March 1999
© a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López
© Silvia Borrás Vila
Created: March 12th. Updated: March 12th 1999.
Universitat de València Press