Pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson -- Lewis Carroll was the author of two immortal children's books. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. As a person, he was as mysterious, paradoxical, and witty as his characters and nonsensical verses. To sample the wonderful and playful style of his writing . It is the letter he wrote to one of his many child friends and later entitled "The Three Cats." I also have started typing up some of his whimsical verses.

Carroll, or Mr. Dodgson as his child friends would refer him as, was born on January 27, 1832 and died on January 14, 1898. In the 66 years of his life, he has written more than 10 books, some of them were children's stories and some of them were texts of maths and logic, since he was, for 26 years, a mathematical lecturer at Oxford.

Other than the two Alice books,The Hunting of the Snark: an Agony in Eight Fits is also well-known amongst Carrollians. This Carroll Overview, as part of the Victorian Web, offers many articles by students, putting Carroll in the context of the world he lived in. Carroll was also a pioneer photographer and photographed many of his Victorian child friends. To find titles discussing his art and life, this bibliography is most valuable. 

Carroll, as we all know, has inspired many other creative souls in various artistic fields. Here's quite an extensive list of Musical Compositions Inspired by Lewis Carroll compiled by Markus Lang. 


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