Do U wanna chat with us?!

Hi! There is a web page whose address is and we started to surf there when we arrived to Huddersfield. We´ve been chatting with a lot of people through this page, and also with our friends in Spain. Now that some friends are going to their countries to finish there the year, we use the chat even more for keeping in touch with them. Last octuber we registered our own channel, which is named #huddersfield. In this channel, there´s always someone. If you want to find us, just go there and some of us will be there. The Chat is in Spanish but now we are going 2 give U the address that drives you directly 2 the previous page of the chat. In that page, you only have to fill the first box with a "nick", and if you have registered you nick, you can put your pasword in the second box, but if not, leave it blank. Then, click in the grey button and automatically you´ll be inside our chat.

Our channel has 4 op´s. Op means operator and these are the ones who control the chat, but only in the way that anybody is too much rude or insults to another person in the chat.
The op's are:


But normally, we have another friends in the chat.  Normally, we chat at afternoons and  always at nights. If you had to go back to your country because you were only in Hud for one semester, the chat can be a good way to keep in touch with your friends.

And the most importat thing, the ADDRESS:

So, come and join us!