
We know that U won´t never leave this wonderful web page (. . . ), but. . .  just in case U do it. . . we give U some interesting addys that we think U´ll like, so. . . ENJOY THEM!
This web page is about some other international students in Huddersfield but they live in Ashenhurst, another residence.  You HAVE 2 visit it!
Yeah, it´s the web page of the Uni. Visit it (or don't).
This is the web page of the Uni of the people from Valencia. It has an English version. Up 2U!
U can sen sms 2 English mobiles for free from this web page. U only have 2 select Free sms.
U can send sms from here too but to different countries like Spain, Italy, France, etc.
Do U know what are the famous FALLAS from Valencia (Spain)? U can visit this web page that is from one of that Fallas. It hasn´t an English version but at least U can see the pix!
Yeah, U know. . . , free mail addy. . .
This the web page that we usually surf 2 chat with our friends. It´s in Spanish but  it´s easy 2 go in our channel #huddersfield where we usually meet. Just ask some of us or go 2 the index of this web page ´cause there´s a link about that. Get informed there!
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