Here, you can see us in these photos, have a laugh and enjoy them!

We were  having some beers in Milton Hall at the begginning of our staying in Hud...

The Spanish GIRLS having their usual hot chocolates of Sundays' afternoons in Rat& Parrot. We meet every Sunday to drink the hot chocolate and also to have a very long chat....

Some of us with some international friends in the Xmas party of The Flyboat.

Kristinna (as always) talking with Jung Wan at the phone...

The fire alarm goes off in CSB at 5:30 in the morning... So..., WHY ARE WE SO HAPPY?!

LONDON. Leicester Square. November'00. We are ALMOST the Charlie´s Angels...

Ashenhurst. Ibon & Roman's house. Spanish party with SANGRIA and Spanish omelette... I think that some us became a little bit drunk... I think...

The same party. Here: Paula, Martin, Birte, Inge & Silvia.

In Milton, with our French friends! After that, we went 2 Johnny´s !!!!

Aicha and Isabel

Aicha and Florian

Two French girls and two Spanish girls... DANGER!


Ascen and Lucia showing us their tongues...

Usoa, finding out what was her present in her Birthday!

In Visage

PS: Sorry! I'm having problems with the size of the photos. That´s why the last ones are smaller...
PS2: I wanna thank Florian for sending me some of the pix. THANX!