Stephanie Strickland has degrees from Harvard, Sarah Lawrence, and the Pratt Institute of Technology. Her interests as a poet are in art and technology, science and literature, how they echo, oppose, and illuminate each other. Since 1995 she has been equally involved with writing print and electronic poems, and she has written critically about the new kinds of reading and writing the computer makes possible.


As the holder of the 2002 McEver Chair in Writing at Georgia Tech, she is teaching new media literature and producing a TechnoPoetry Festival. TechnoPoetry Festival 2002 brings together artists, performers and theorists to explore writing with new technologies and the way translation, transliteration and transcription are all re-thought in the digital era. The Festival showcases the work of leading artist/poets who realize new forms that incorporate both established and cutting-edge technologies.


Strickland has three grown children and lives in New York City.


Text taken and re-written from (last viewed in 7th December 2008 at 21.00 pm)