Student´s name: Bosch Solar, Walter.
     Title of the paper: Frankenstein.
     Author or topic: Mary Shelley.
     Subject code: Narrative II
     Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words: I am going to show you some              documents about Frankenstein and Mary Shelley where I will explain all I know about her and Frankenstein.
     I think her work is very interesting and exciting , and the story of Frankenstein has been tranlated into all languages.
    There are a lot of  interpretations of this work but there is only one idea, Frankenstein.
    I am going to write many relations with the movement , with some authors (Keats) and with  another points of view (literary

                                       Academic year 1999/2000
                                  © a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
                                        © Walter Bosch Solar
                                     Universitat de València Press


© Copyright 1999-2000 Walter Bosch Solar
Created: 2/11/99 Updated: 2/11/99