Dr. Frankenstein in the Classroom: Reconstructing the Human Body



By: Joanna Calleja Condon1995

Joanna Calleja Condon; Collagen Corporation
Subject Area:           All Science
Grade/Ability level:    High School Students
Modern science has developed "spare body parts" (cellular and/or
mechanical implants) to help combat human illnesses and other
problems.  Many (some famous) people rely on this technology:  Bo
Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, and Mickey Mantle.  There is a great need for
more, better, and cheaper prosthetic organs and limbs.  The purpose of
this project is for students to use biological, chemical, and physical
concepts to design a product which could be used in the medical field.
They will design a labelled blueprint, build a model, and do a
presentation.   Students will work in teams of 2 to 4 people and will be
evaluated by the Judging Panel and by their teammates. In doing this
project, the students will learn about general chemistry and
biomoecules, surface area to volume ratio, diffusion in space and across
cell membranes, cell structure and function, tissue structure and
function, organ function within a system, and system function within
an organism.  Also, they will learn about the uses of prosthetics in
medicine and the ethics of using prosthetics to change someone's life
artificially, thus possibly changing human evolution.   This is an
integrated science semester-ending project.  Lessons during the
semester on objective topics will be used to give students the skill and
knowledge base needed to complete the project.  Unit Plan, Background
Resources, Supporting Lessons, and Grading Rubrics are included in
the project.

Name_________________________________ Date______________


        The human body is a very highly-evolved organism.  It is made of
cells, as are all living things.  There are many different types of cells such
as bone cells, nerve cells, muscle cells, skin cells, blood cells, liver cells,
etc.  Cells of the same type are organized together into tissues.  For
example, your heart valve is a tissue made from muscle cells.  This tissue
comes together with the other parts of the heart to make a working heart
organ.  The heart organ is part of the circulatory system.  Each body
system is designed to satisfy a particular need the body has.

        Sometimes, however, a part of the body works improperly or not at
all.  When this occurs, the body's chemical and physical balance is in
jeopardy.  When a person has either a chemical or physical imbalance,
they may become ill,  they may not be able to do certain things, or they
may die.

        Modern science has developed chemicals (drugs) and "spare
body parts" (cellular and/or mechanical implants) to help combat human
illnesses and other problems.  Many people rely on this technology:  Bo
Jackson, the famous baseball/football player, and actress Elizabeth
Taylor both have artificial hip joints.    Mickey Mantle, another famous
baseball player, and David Crosby from the famous band "Crosby, Stills
and Nash",  both have recently had liver transplants (their own livers
failed due to drug and alcohol abuse).  Artificial hearts, livers, kidneys
(dialysis machines), and prosthetic limbs are all available on a limited
basis because there is more demand than supply.

        There is a great need for more, better, and cheaper prosthetic
organs and limbs.

Project Long-Term Goal:
        Your Biomedical Engineer Team will design an original prosthetic
human body part.  You will design a 2ft. X 3ft. labelled blueprint of your
body part.  You will build a model of  your body part, and you will present
your body part to a Judging Panel (made up of students, teachers, and
others), explaining the biology, chemistry, and physics of why it should
work.  You will cover all items on the rubrics given you.

        The purpose of this project is for the students to use biological,
chemical, and physical concepts to design a product which could be
used in the medical field.

        In doing this project, the students will learn about general
chemistry and biomoecules, surface area to volume ratio, diffusion in
space and across cell membranes, cell structure and function, tissue
structure and function, organ function within a system, and system
function within an organism.  Also, they will learn about the uses of
prosthetics in medicine and the ethics of using prosthetics to change
someone's life artificially, thus possibly changing human evolution.
Due Dates:
        The completion date for each component is as follows:
                Blueprint Due: ................................Tuesday, December 12th
in class
                Model Due:......................................Wednesday, December
13th in class
                Product Presentation Due:............Thursday, December 14th
in class

        You will work in teams of 2 to 4 people.  You will be evaluated by
the Judging Panel for 70 points possible  (see Rubric 1) and by your
teammates for 30 points possible (see Rubric 2).  There are 100
possible points total.   This assignment is almost worth 15% of your
semester grade, so do a good job!  The best prosthetic in all of Mrs. C's
biology classes will get their semester grade raised by a third.