1847 Born 8 November in Clontarf (Dublin), Ireland

Lived early childhood (bed-ridden) at 15 Marino Crescent

1860s Attended Trinity College (Dublin)

Awarded University Athletics Championship

Served as President of Philosophical Society

1871 Graduated with Honours in science (Pure Mathematics)

Took job with civil service at Dublin Castle

Started five year stint as theatre reviewer in Dublin (unpaid)

1876 Reviewed Henry Irving's performance in "Hamlet"

Met the actor and close friendship began

1878 Accepted offer to become acting manager at Irving's Lyceum Theatre

Moved to London with wife, Florence (Balcombe)

First book The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland published

1882 Under the Sunset, a collection of short stories, published

1890 Began working on vampire novel (as yet untitled)

Spent summer in Whitby where he came across the name "Dracula"

1891 First novel, The Snake's Pass, published

1897 Publication (26 May) of Dracula

1903 Publication of The Jewel of Seven Stars

1905 Death of Henry Irving

1906 Published Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving

1911 Published The Lair of the White Worm, his last novel

1912 Died on April 20 in London

1922 First movie based on Dracula ("Nosferatu") released in Germany

        -Barbara Belford, Bram Stoker: A Biography of the Author of Dracula.

        -Daniel Farson, The Man Who Wrote Dracula: A Biography of Bram Stoker.

        -Harry Ludlam, A Biography of Dracula: The Life Story of Bram Stoker.