Existentialism; it was an amazing time which shocked the whole world. It was not only a way of thinking, but also a way of living. When Nietzsche exclamed: "God is dead" the entire world went down and the traditional point of view was completely changed. The characteristic anguish filled the lives of the main authors, which thought that the mainkind were bound to be born and to die, and, consequently, the absurdity of living. There is no point in existing, as we are going to die without any doubt.
The Existentialism's authors tried to answer questions such as "who are we?", "where do we come from?","where do we go from here'". They all revealed the anguish and anxiety of the Existentialism thought.
The whole world was considered from
the nothingness, like a completely void where the men had been born and
this was his worst fault, he has been born to die. Since this perspective,
there was no sense in living. Furthermore, death was considered as stop
existing, the characteristic optimism of christians
( who believed in life after death)
was replaced by the thought that there was no after. There wasn't any hope
of salvation.
All this anguish was showered in their novels, as they tried to point out the main problems in the plots of their works.
When one reads existentialist novels, ones realizes about the different ways of conveiving the world. Our catholic tradition is completely bumped, as we feel completely exposed to the destiny, and we have to change our point of view if we want to understand their philosophy and their thoughts.
As I was making this work I got
to know more about the real thoughts, in a deeper way, though I have already
studied this movement in previous years.
-- Yolanda Román Rodríguez