He listened with
closed eyes. "Very nice," he said.
"Oh shit!" I said, suddenly. He
opened his eyes, and I explained myself. ''I stole that from you!"
"No, no. I've never heard that in my
life . . ."
"No, no, I did! Your poem 'Dieppe' .
. . You end it with '. . . the space of a door that opens and shuts' "
"Oh, yes, that's true." And
then, suddenly, he added: "Oh shit!"
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"I stole it from Dante
Bibliographies out of the red
quoted texts
Talens,Jenaro. Conocer
Beckett y su obra. Ed. Dopesa 2 , Barcelona 1979
V.V.A.A. Enciclopedia Gran
Larousse Universal. Ed.Plaza & Janés,
V.V.A.A, Historia de la Literatura
inglesa, Ed.Taurus, Madrid 1988
Stevenson, Leslie. “Seven Theories of Human Nature”.
Ed.Oxford University Press,1974, Trad. Cast. Ibañez, Elena, Siete teorias de la naturaleza humana. Ed.
Cátedra, S. A.1981
Links used in this page
The Samuel Beckett On-Line Resources and Links Page
The Samuel Beckett Endpage
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Academic year 2000/2001
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Zulheika Botella Berenguer
Universitat de València Press