Cuando un sabio de clase suprema oye hablar del Sentido,

entonces se muestra celoso y obra en consecuencia.

Cuando un sabio de clase intermedia oye hablar del Sentido,

entonces cree y en parte duda.

Cuando un sabio de clase inferior oye hablar del Sentido,

se ríe de él a carcajadas.

Y si no se ríe a carcajadas

es que todavía no era el verdadero Sentido.




What can I say to a work which more people have talked about, only to point the most that, like others that have read it or listen, it has catched me. And later the delightful and erriched that have been my walk through the minds of that others though about her. Is so interesting the most that can be to comunicate: Lucky and Christ, their interesting paralelism with the work "Vigilar y castigar" by Michel Foucault.... In fact, while some theorics consider the absurdity theater died with Waiting for Godot consumed in himself; others consider that it still influencing in the contemporary writting in the calculating provocations of the puts in stage of texts judiciously "classics". Some of his exponents in Europe are Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard, Fernando Arrabal, Vaclav Havel, in United States: Edward Albee, Sam Shepard, David Mammet and Imamu Amiri Baraka, in Latin-America: Virgilio Piñera, José Triana, Griselda Gambaro, in mountings like Don´t play to me this vals and The back Cultural Yuyachkani Group and in Puerto Rico: René Marqués with The apartment, Luis Rafael Sánchez with Our gall of each day, Abelardo Ceide with Special sesión, Tere Marichal in Parc for two and the most important Myrna Casas in works like Absurds in lonelyness, Impromtu in San Juan, The big eucranian circus and Not all have it. (principal fount: The theater dictionary by Patrice Pavis)

The work has been analized almost the satiety by differents erudits in the search of the "enigm", even though the proper Beckett write to: Michel Polac in 1952:

"In spite of the idea to find in everything an ampler signification and more prufound that it could bring it to home after the actuation, with the hand programme and the stick of the trowel, i don´t see the case to do it.

I am not already involucrated in the asunt and never I will be. Estragón, Vladimir, Pozzo and Lucky, their time and their space: if  I did what I can to familiarizating with them was only becouse I could maintain myself far of the necesity to understand. I don´t know if  they could give some answers. Let them to regulate by themselves. Without me. They and I have finished".

And later to Desmond Smith in 1956:

"The problem with the mayority of the commentarists is that to see the trees don´t see the forest. Try it and see things in his simplicity: the wait, not to know why, or where, or when, or what. If there are darkness details, his elucidation never will be done in terms of systems of symbols. It doesn´t be a symbolic work, in any sense. The question with Pozzo, for example, doesn´t be who is he, or what is he, or what he represents, but the fact that nothing of this we know, so for the moments could be confunded with Godot. Inclosed we could say that he doesn´t know who or what is himself, and seams to me the paper can be represented satisfactorely only parting from a big abandonment. The mental and the identity confusion are elements indispensable for the work, and the effort to iluminate the consequents darknesses -in what seams to be exercited the mayory of th critics since the point to stay blind in front of the fundamental simply- it seams futile to me".


Imposible more clear, so, What should I look for hidden significations, in the work, contrary to opinion of the same father?. I can´t speak for the others but about my experience. The work catchs, the text, the characters, the disengaged facts, reflect like a mirror something known, themes and questions planed bydiferents phylosophers about the theory of the knowledge, the immortality, the ethic, the faith, the misthyc, the life sense, God, the tecnologies of the "I". Themes that always have been present in the human mind, revised and questioned. If there wasn´t intention to mean (I don´t want to contradict the writer), Why for me significated and didn´t significate?. I should have to do it case to the author and go to the simple way: a way, like the life, full of questions and questions that, as the same as now, still without answering nor resolve ..............or yes?  .......... why.............casualty..., isn´t this the answer?.......... there his deafened ......



" Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen".

Ludwig Wittgenstein







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Academic year 2000/2001
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Zulheika Botella Berenguer
Universitat de València Press