Tittle: “Gestas de Papá Ubú”

Author: Raúl Hernández Garrido

Date and place of the representation: 24 of November of 2005, in the theatre “L’altre Espai”, in Valencia.

Distribution: Manuel Hernández (Papá Ubú), Gema Segura (Mamá Ubú), Mario Esteban (Memnón, Monomonarca, Mandamás, Village), Emma López/Eloísa Azorín ( Palotín, Village, Soldier, high responsability shared, Judge, Nobles), Cristian Weidmann (Palotín, Awareness, Village), Leticia Ñeco/Ana Belén Lifante (Dancing Tatana, Arqueopterix).

Artistic team: set design (Ángel Haro), dressing room (Pascual Perís), music (Pepe Ferrer), lighting (José María Cerdeiriña “CIRU”), physical actions (Isabel Úbeda), movement and actoral improvisation (Paco Maciá), image (Germinal Comunicación), photography (Jordi Pla).

Technical team: managers (Mrisela Romero/ Germán Iborra/ Pedro A. Bermejo Luque), expert of sound (José Miguel Linares), expert of lighting (José M. Cerdeiriña “Ciru”), executive producer  enclosed to the direction (Helia Gavaldá), production ( Cía Ferroviaria, S.L).


Ubú is a hunchbacked and swanky ghost that he travels the stages of the world  more than a century ago. Ubú deceives, he betrays, he tortures, he steals, he despises, he kidnaps, he murders, with a happy vileness only comparable to his cowardice.

Ubú speaks about three things frequently. He speaks about the physics, that it is the nature compared with the art, the minimum of comprehension minimum front to the maximum of brains, the reality of the universal consent as opposed to the elucubration of what is intelligent, the existence as opposed to the thought.

Personal opinion: This play of theatre is a little difficult of understand for me. I don’t like much.  “Gestas de Papá Ubú” is a provocative, imaginative, comical, cruel, ironical and very creative spectacle.