Subject: # 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el Siglo XVIII Grupo C   

Student´s name: Esteve González, Ana

Title of the paper: "Loveone"

Author or topic: Malloy, Judy


Abstract: This paper is about Loveone, a Judy Malloy’s work created in 1994 and published in 1995.  I have chosen this hypertext because I think that love is treated in a particular and interesting way and besides, it is quite extend too, so you can analyse a lot aspects, but in that case, the aspect that I have chosen is, space. So, in order to analyse the hypertext in that way, first, I am going to do an introduction, where I will treat the text in a general view and then I will do an analysis focused on the space. Finally, I will finish my work with a conclusion of this hypertext.


Auto-evaluation: I evaluate my work with a “Notable” because I have worked a lot to know how to read the text and understand it, besides Loveone is not an easy text and it is quite extensive. However, I have had some difficulties, because it is the first time that I read a hypertext and it could be a little messy but I think that I have overcame them, and it have been a good experience for my student’s development, because I have had the opportunity to know other kind  of literature.

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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Ana Esteve González
Universitat de Valčncia Press