Subject : #14214 Narrativa Inglesa del siglo XVIII Grupo A


Student´s name :
Maiz Rodríguez, Ana

Title of the paper : Children’s Time

Author or topic : Deena Larsen          



 Abstract : Electronic literature is a modern and different way of reading that day by day is becoming more popular. One example is Children’s Time by Deena Larsen, which I did my research about. Firstly I offer a hypertext introduction where it is explained what an hypertext is and also some links related if anyone wants to know more about it and/or to be introduced to this new kind of literature. Then, as all the electronic literature implies, the background and the visual effects are very important for the understanding of the text. Thus, I did an introduction to the main text as the first reading; that is, first impressions, description of the nodes, colours, symbols, etc. Thirdly, there is a text analysis according to one concrete view, the space within the text. There is also a final conclusion of my research, which also contains my personal opinion.

Finally I offer a personal interview to the own author done by a student from “Universitat de Valčncia” in 2003, Cristina Fdez de Gorostiza Samper; which worked as well about this author. In this interview is Deena Larsen who speaks about his work and can give us some clues for a better understanding of the text.


 Auto-evaluation: Alter having finished my research I think that I could have done it better. Therefore, I consider that my mark should oscillate around  6.

Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Ana Maiz Rodríguez
Universitat de Valčncia Press