Aquí tenéis los e-mails que nos enviamos para poder hacer la entrevista.

Hello Sonya,
I'm making a work for the university about you. I would
like you help me, explaining why you write make me a man, and if you
want we can make an interview. thank you sonya.
a lots of kisses.

P.D.: I hope you will answer me soon.

Hi Amparo,

I shall be glad to answer a few questions. Why did you choose my site
and my artwork,MAKE ME A MAN?

Are you a student?

Best regards,
Sonya Rapoport
hello sonya
I'm the student that is making a work for the
university about you. I would
like you help me, explainig me with which program you did your
artworks, specially make me a man. thank you sonya.
a los of kisses.

P.D.: i hope you will answer me soon.

Make Me a Man and a few others were programmed with PageMill.
I programmed the very early works with the first html commercial program 
PageMill but I can't remember the name. The last few were programmed
with Dreamweaver.

The following is a web site (
of my art archives that a curator is putting together from the
beginning of my digital work.. It is just a very rough start

These are a few images in the image gallery that are linked somewhere
to the history:
starting in 1974.It may interest you


Hello Sonya,

Thanks to want to make the interview. I have chosen your artwork because it seems to me very
 interesting and is different from the others. The attention has called me much and that has
been one of my main reasons. In the following email it will send the questions to you.

Thank you.

Y de este modo, es como ha quedado la ENTREVISTA.