Twelve Blue, is my first experience in the hypertext’s world. Firstly my impression on the hypertext was ‘special’. Because one screen had not relation with other one. Then I do not know how I must do it. I was lost. For this reason I sent an e-mail to the author of the hypertext, Michael Joyce, who answered me very nicely.

I had chosen that work because the hypertext’s title attracted my attention. And I have analyzed the space perspective of this work.

I think it is a different way to show a work, depending where you click, there will happen one thing or other one.


You can see it as a giant semiotic code. Nothing is represented here. It represents an union of many words but that does not look for an immediate end rather they try to come to you from a form different from a poem, story, etc. Michael Joyce produces this effect.

It is obvious that a hypertext has not got the same characteristics that a common text. If we are concentrated in the argument, we can say that a great range of possibilities is opened, since the different stories depend on the choice of the internaut. Depending the link that you click on the history will happen one thing or another thing. The interactivity is a key factor in the process for the reading and interpretation of the hypertext, It seems you that you are the main character. And I have analyzed the space, that is an implicit elemnt in the argument, although it depends on the choice of the internaut.

In addition, my study about Twelve Blue' has done that I could consider the hypertext as a way for entertaining for the reading of a text and I think it is creativity hypertext.


I really like ‘Twelve Blue’. I recommend you if you have time read it slowly and enjoy with hypertext fiction.



         [Index]                    [Space_Reference]                    [About_Joyce]                    [e-mail]                    [Conclusion]





Academic year 2009/2010
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Alejandro Aparici Sánchez