Intellectual's Dilemma


Like a missionary fallen among cannibals, Stuart Treece was too dazed to appreciate the irony of the situation. A middle-ageing professor at a university in the English Midlands, he was a liberal intellectual caught hopelessly in the dilemma of his generation. Back in the Thirties he had believed that Utopia was just around the corner. Now here he was, surrounded by an uncongenial, if not hostile, horde of mannerless, aggressive, amoral young men and women who strutted and strummed their way meaninglessly through an alien world. He had clung to his principles, "stabbing as few people in the back as possible" and doing a minimum of harm, but, apart from that, he felt there was nothing to be done. Worse still, with the savages shrilling and the pot coming to the boil, he realized, with a vague sense of shock, that there was nothing he really wanted to do.

Meanwhile he went bumbling along, tolerating the interruptions of impertinent students, failing his motor-scooter driving tests, having a split-second affair with a practical-minded lady professor (who seemed to have boy friends because they could build bookcases and transplant cacti). He also found himself trying to console a neurotic West African ("I am despised by all," he would complain in a deep, clipped voice). He was taken on Dantean tours of crowded espresso bars (with an earl plunking the guitar in the Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense Skiffle Group). Reluctantly, he forced himself to entertain a protean member of the Beat avant-garde ("This time he was the Marlon Brando type, with his hair slicked down an the cares of the world upon his sullen shoulders.") Along the way, he somehow lost the love of a mixed-up but good-natured girl who was writing her Master's thesis on the fish imagery in Shakespeare's tragedies.

Malcolm Bradbury (who has taught in universities on both sides of the Atlantic and is a regular contributor to Punch) has written a brilliant first novel. Here is a tragi-comedy which sometimes sputters into farce (when it seems like a parody of "Lucky Jim") but, at its best, fuses sensitivity and irony and becomes a significant social satire, a Roman candle that illumines the surrounding landscape. Moreover, the author's flair for character and his recognition of the human predicament give the narrative a saving grace. Mr. Bradbury certainly has a lethal wit; but, with him, familiarity never breeds contempt.



Published in April 10, 1960
By Roger Pippett
On The New York Times On The Web
Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company



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