Subject: Narrativa Inglesa desde el S. XVIII – Grupo A


Student´s name: Gasquet Carrera, Bárbara

Title of the paper: “Life, works, articles, people’s opinions. Anything you want to know about Malcolm Bradbury.”


Author or topic: Bradbury, Malcolm



Abstract: I am going to introduce you to Sir Malcolm Bradbury. He was born in 1932 in Sheffield, UK. He was a first-class degree in England in the University of London. He taught in the University of Manchester, and Indiana University in the USA. He moved back to England where he spent his years teaching in the University of East Anglia until the day of his death, in 2000. If you want to learn more about his life you should visit the biography section. was he? What was he famous for? What happened in his life? Different versions will be given, so you can get to know him a bit better. There is also a novels section where you can find some information about his most important works: Eating People Is Wrong, The History Man, To The Hermitage, and then five extra interesting works. (In each website you will find links to read the summary, articles and comments about those novels). There is a chronological section for any of you interested in all his works. I have also found some articles that Mr. Bradbury had published. If you are interested in knowing what other people think about Mr. Bradbury you should take a look to the people’s opinion section. You can find four different types of articles: Articles about Bradbury and modern novel, social articles, the Memorial Trust Project Award and about his death.



Auto-evaluation: I have worked very hard to get this paper done. Computers and I were not very good friends at the beginning, but after spending hours and hours together I, honestly, think we have done a good job! I tried to make it simple, so people didn’t get lost; but at the same time I tried to give it some “color” so it can be remembered in the past. Also, I tried to give as many information as I could, and although that took me more time that I expected and sometimes I felt like my eyes were about to fell off, I think it was worth it. I’m very proud of myself now! Not trying to be big-headed though, I’m just saying!: Therefore, I would grade myself a 9.


Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Barbara Gasquet Carrera
Universitat de Valčncia Press