SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y.-One of the things I
always forget about American society when I'm away from it, so that it quickly
gets forced on my consciousness when I come back, is the degree to which it's a
society based upon phatic communion.
Phatic usage, you'll recall, is speech that seeks
to share or reveal feelings or to establish an atmosphere of sociability rather
than communicate ideas; lovers are phatic.
On my present visit, the reminder came particularly sharply
because I've just come from a trip to Eastern Europe, and Eastern Europe is
very unphatic, indeed. This you notice when you're
flying; in Poland, or Bulgaria, or wherever, when your plane lands, the
stewardess's announcement is couched in the language of Socialist Realism. She
says something like: "Remain strapped in your seat until the plane stops
and the pilot says you can move. Then get up, leave the plane in orderly
fashion, and better not leave anything behind."
That, of course, is not the American way. Here, the hostess,
for "stewardess" is definitely not the right word, does more than
issue instructions; she states feelings. So she says: "We hope you found
the flight fantastic, and don't forget: We are the airline that gave you
62 channels to choose from. Now fly us again, and have a nice day."
In both East and West, the plane may be overbooked, take off
late, and send your baggage to another destination; in both, the stewardess's
ankles may be swelling, and her temper short. But where, in nonphatic
cultures, language is used to throw you unsmiling and naked into gross, diurnal
reality, and even to sour it a little with gall and wormwood, in the States
pleasant sugar is added. In fact, you can be sure that, whatever the reality,
the discourse will be just a little better.
As a result of my instructive transit from one kind of society
to the other, I've taken the trouble to develop a small provisional concept of
how this phatic process works. I'll call it "Havernization." I was led to the notion when my
hostess on an internal flight, aphasic, jet-lagged, her ankles swollen, lost
her bearings and her final nouns. "Come back again," she said,
"and havernize..."
This gave the subtext of a recurrent verbal
procedure that I've since noticed repeatedly. It goes: "(I, we) hope you
enjoyed your (meal, room, flight, hang-gliding practice, conversation with me,
love affair) and havernize (day, evening, weekend,
drink, marriage, divorce)." In the formula, as the hostess sensed, the
nouns are irrelevant, the function here being the phatic
one of casting a sacramental glow over the gross limits of self, and the dull
banality of the real.
There are, of course, many variants. In a restaurant, the
waitress, after serving a not notably good steak au poivre,
took the trouble to come by and invest it with magic. "Isn't it wonderful
here?" she asked.
And in my motel room there is one of those questionnaires that
you fill out and leave at the desk, where they destroy it. "Your room was
as clean and orderly as your own home, right?" it asks; and, "Maybe
this wasn't the most fantastic experience of your whole life, but it came
close, right?"
In fact, these things were not quite right. My own home, as
any of my intimates will tell you, is a sort of untidy dump, right? And how
shall I compare a perfectly pleasant but standard motel room to my esthetic
reaction to the Sistine Chapel, or my first sexual encounter?
Yet, the steak and the room both seemed nicer after all that.
It's no bad thing to see a word taking its rightful place, and serving not to
describe reality but to invent it.
That is "Havernization."
But it would not be right to suggest it is solely an American phenomenon.
Indeed, the importance of the concept is that we may profitably apply it to a
change that is taking place on a global basis, with the possible exception of
Eastern Europe.
In Dusseldorf, in Tehran, in Tokyo, beef, however dry, is
described as "succulent," on menus where in some cases the art of
description has vastly overtaken the art of cooking. Hotels everywhere describe
their hospitality, even in cases where they cannot provide it. After all, the
great value of wearing a SMILE badge is that it leaves your face free to scowl.
"Havernization" increases
as the world grows more abstract, more anonymous, as transactions get more
fleeting, as substance gets less solid, and it does make life feel better.
There may be despair behind the modern universe, but we hope you enjoyed it. And "havernize...", right?
Published in September 29, 1977
By Malcolm Bradbury
On The New York Times On The Web
1998 The New York Times Company
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