Down and Out in Paris and London ( 1933 ): Part autobiography, this unusual novel follows the experiences of a penniless    adventurer, first in Paris in the early 1930s and later in London, where he mingles among tramps and street people.


            Burmese Days ( 1934 ): In this caustic, fast-paced novel about the waning days of British imperialism, George Orwell draws on his years of experience in India, the country of his birth. The story focuses on a handful of Englishmen living in a small settlement in Upper Burma. They congregate in the European Club, drinking whiskey and arguing over an impending order to admit a token Asian.


            A Clergyman's Daughter ( 1935 ) : Intimidated by her father, the Rector of Knype Hill, Dorothy performs her submissive roles of dutifull daugther and bullied housekeeper, passing her days in church activities, penance and housework, her thougths cincumscribed by the tasc in hand. But suddenly her routine shatters and Dorothy finds herself down and out in London. She is wearing silk stocking, has money in her pocket and cannot remember her name.

            Keep the Aspidistra Flying ( 1936 ) : Gordon Comstock, poet manqué, gives up a "good"  job in an advertising agency to become a part-time bookshop assistant, thereby gaining the time to write. Despite some modest success, he embarks an a long deliberate slide into penury and perception, Orwell traces the disaffection with society and the desire to renounce contemporary values which he himself had experienced. "A completely harrowing and stark account of poverty...written in clear and violent language"

            The Road to Wigan Pier ( 1937 ) : Commissioned by the Left Book Club, Orwell set out to write the urban equivalent of Cobbett's Rural Rides and describe the great industrial wastelands of Yorkshire and Lancashire. The polemical portrait of the unenployed and dispossessed that resulted from his first-hand observation of the devastating effects of poverty, apathy, despair, malnutrition and overcrowding remains indelibly burned into our collective conscience.


            Homage to Catalonia ( 1938 ) :  In 1936, Geroge Orwell went to Spain to report on the Civil War and instead joined   the P.O.U.M. militia to fight against the Fascists. In this now famous account, he describes both the bleak and the comic aspects of trench warfare.


            Comming up for air ( 1939 ) : This engaging and moving novel was written when the clouds of World War II were     already gathering on the horizon. This story of Bowling's journey into his own and his country's past is told with humor, warmth and nostalgia that will surprise and delight George Orwell's many readers.


            Inside the Whale ( 1940 )

            Animal Farm ( 1945 ) : " It is the history of a revolution that went wrong -and of the exellent excuses that were forthcoming at every step for the perversion of the original doctrine " wrote Orwell for the first edition of Animal Farm in 1945. His simple and tragic fable, telling of what happens when the animals drive out Mr  Jones and attempt to run their farm themselves, has since become a world-famous classic of English prose.


           Critical Essays ( 1946 )

            Nineteen Eighty-Four  ( 1948 ) : Written in 1948, 1984 was George Orwell's chilling prophecy about the future. And while 1984 has come and gone, Orwell's narrative is more timely that ever. 1984 presents a "negative utopia, " that is at once a startling and haunting vision of the world -- so powerful that it is completely convincing from start to finish. No one can   deny the power of this novel, its hold on the imaginations of entire generations of readers, or the resiliency of its admonitions -- a legacy that seems to grow, not lessen, with the passage of time.


            In front of your nose ( 1945 - 1950 )


            Shooting an Elephant ( 1958 )

            Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters ( 1968. 4 vols. )

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