Subject: 13777- Literatura anglesa - Grup A.

        Student's name: Arquimbau i Costa, Beatriz.

        Title of the paper: George Orwell: Animal Farm.

        Author or topic: Orwell, George.

        Abstract :  I am going to speak about George Orwell and his book Animal Farm. George Orwell has wrotten a lot of    books but I think Animal Farm is the most important.
                        Orwell lived 47 years and in this time he wrote a list of books that they are true histories. For example: he served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma and this fact inspired Burmese Days.
                        Animal Farm: surely the most important work of fictional political satire to be written in twentith-century Britain.
                        This page is composed by a first paper, a biography, a list of books, a comment about Animal Farm and a bibliography with interesting links.

     Auto-evaluation : I think I must have "pass" in this subject because I have learnt to do a web page and this has been 
interesting to me.


     Academic year 2000/2001
     © a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
     ©Beatriz Arquimbau i Costa
    Universitat de València Press

                     [Go to index]      [ Biography ]      [Books]     [Animal Farm]        [Bibliography]