Clues to read this Web Page



The first Index that appears, called the Primary Index, is focused on the literary hypertext of “Who is Flora?” from Travis Alber, on all the work I’ve done about it. At the end of each point you’ll find linked images, which will take you by clicking them to the post of my blog from where I took most of  the information. 

And then, at the end-right-side  of the screen you’ll find a link which takes you to the Secondary Index, where you’ll find this clues to understand my web page better,  more info related to my second paper process, also a personal opinion  and some direct links to my blog, the secondpaper.html and the main menu of my website in

As I had problems linking all the aspects of my web site with my second paper, because of the structure I made on the website, I’ve had to do double work. In my website I’ve used a structure which I thought was very nice, because I didn’t need one webpage per topic; I tried to integrate everything in two single pages. But I couldn’t link that with my SecondPaper.html because when all the links will take you to the index, and then you would have to click in the topic. So, I’ve had to create sigle pages to every topic in order to link them to my second paper. So you can read my web page through my Indexes or through my Secondpaper.html.





Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Ana Belmar Villar
Universitat de València Press