Time exploitation in Brutal Myths' first part

One might thinks that working on the evolution of brutal myths is a quite heavy task. Indeed there is far too much information. That's the reason why the authors have used concise and clear examples, in order to provoke a stronger impact on the reader.
Each of the seven myths presentations follows the same structure. That is to say the explanation of the plant's property (accompanied by an example set in ancient Times) and the myth which germinated from this particular property (with every time the reproduction of a feminine Neolithic figure).
The rest of the presentation is divided in three parts :

- Mutilation response to myth
- Affected function
- Current mutilation

The presentation of the examples can be divided in two sub- genders : colored texts and images.
The flashing and appealing texts appear in the seven pages. They inform the reader of serious problems trough contemporary studies or facts. For example in "Cleavers", we learn that : In areas of Sudan where antibiotics are not available, 1/3 of all girls die due to genital mutilation, especially infibulation (vaginal stitching).
The second way of illustrating is by putting images.
Images get also divided in two other sub-genders :

-Reproductions, for the examples extracted from the Bible, the Neolithic, the Middle-Age, and the Mayas.
-Photographs, for contemporary examples (from 1936 to 1996).

A. Plants' properties and the myths they germinated

Tormentil which is said to incline the minds of men to inordinate passion, germinated the myth that women are sexually voracious. The authors use the example of Susanna harassed by two old men. This story can be found in the Book of Daniel : Susanna was bathing alone in her garden without knowing that she was being watched by two voyeurs. Susanna refused to make love to them, under the threaten of blackmail, and is therefore accused of adultery. But Daniel managed to confound them with separate interrogations, and Susanna's virtue was restored.
Hemlock which is said to obstruct men's generative force, germinated the myth that when a woman thinks alone she thinks evil. The example used is the biblical figure of Judith. The Hebrew widow seduced Israel's enemy, Holofernes, and took advantage of his drunken sleep to cut his head off. With no leader, Israel's enemies are forced to disperse.
Cleavers which is said to remove the members accommodated to the venereal act, germinated the myth that the vagina eats up the penis. We have the example of Lot and his daughters. After having fled from Sodom and Gomorra, Lot's daughters realized that their father was the only man left. So they decided to get him drunk and make love to him.
Henbane which is said to change men into beasts by their magic act, germinated the myth of masochism and vanity. There is no example used for this property.
Viper's Bugloss which is said to destroy the generative force in women, germinated the myth that in order to be loved a woman must be beautiful. The authors use the example of Cleopatra. Last ruler of Egypt, lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, she is remembered as one of the most beautiful women in History. It is believed that her beauty helped her to conquer the world's most powerful men.
Birthwort which is said to procure abortion, germinated the myth that a woman's purpose is to be a mother. There is no example for this property.
Deadly Nightshade (also known as Belladonna) which is said to offer children, animals and other fruits of the earth to the devil, germinated the myth that women are not to be trusted. There is no example for this property.
Time exploitation in Brutal Myths' first part (2)
Time exploitation in Destroying Myths
Time exploitation in Brutal Myths' Introductions

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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Charlotte Fernandez
Universitat de Valčncia Press