Biography of Michael Joyce




(Image taken from: ©



ichael Joyce was born in 1945.He is a professor of English at Vassar College, New York, USA and he is also an important critic and author of electronic literature .


His work Afternoon, a Story (1987) was among the first literary hypertexts to present itself as serious literature. Joyce’s first work was created with the then-new Storyspace programme.


His Twilight, a Symphony : hypertext fiction (1996) was a second hypertext story.


Joyce’s books include War outside Ireland: a novel (1982), which received the Great Lakes New Writers Award of fiction, Of two minds: hypertext pedagogy and poetics (1995), Othermindedness: the emergence of network culture (2000), and Moral tales and meditations: technological parables and refractions (2001).

He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop.

Michael Joyce has two sons: Eamon and Jeremiah, and he lives with Carolyn Guyer near The Hudson river.


I have personally elaborated this information from the following websites:

Þ © (Date: 26/11/2008)

Þ © (Date: 26/11/2008)


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