

For completing my work I will show some conclusions that I have extracted from Love Enter’s hypertext.

As I said in my analysis, the different spaces have been chosen by the author in accordance with the events which are intimately related to the characters and their experiences.


There are two clear spaces (Paris and New Orleans) which encompass the rest of spaces, that is, the hospital where Dan works is in New Orleans; the Margot and Bou’s apartment, the Madame Lagache’s house are in Paris and so on.


It seems that Dan lives in the present, but since the past. Furthermore, when someone reads the text has a feeling Dan comes back to Paris. However, he is seated in front of his computer’s screen. Paul Kafka achieves to transport us to different spaces. Regarding Dan there is a continued yearning for the past, for his memories, for this place, Paris. The author plays with the time and the space.


I personally think Paul Kafka wants to reflect in this hypertext the differences between two spaces such as Paris and New Orleans which played Europe and America, respectively. Nowadays, it is possible that we do not appreciate differences between the Old Continent and America due to the progressive globalization, but there are big differences actually. In this hypertext New Orleans is seen like a monotone, stressful place where there always is work, solitude, sadness, whereas Paris is the place of love, passion, happiness, freedom.


Undoubtedly, Paris is the place where Dan would wish to come back. “Green words dance across the screen, the way they have since I thought of you an hour ago. It's four years, four months since we said goodbye, or whatever we said” (Call, first chapter). It is like a hope which he has, the hope of coming back to Paris again. All people have hopes, dreams which we want to achieve. We need to fight for achieving our aims because if this is not so, the life has not meaning. What are we without hopes, dreams, something to fight for? 




[Index] [First Paper] [Second Paper] [Biography Paul Kafka] [Introduction] [Analysis Love Enter] [Opinion] [Bibliography]






                                                                                                                                                                                       Academic year 2008/2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                © a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
                                                                                                                                                                                                                © Emma Corbín García
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Universitat de València Press