Three Novels

Down and Out in Paris and London
Finished writing it in October 1930. The book was rejected, amongst others, by T. S. Eliot, who was working as a literary assessor for Faber and Faber.

A Clergyman´s Daughter
Living in misery and convinced of his literary failure, Orwell started to work in a small private school on the outskirts of London. Job which later on he made use of to give a sombre outlook of this type of school.
He considered it his worst book. When it was first published, he burned all the copies he got hold of.

The Road to Wigan Pier
Victor Gollanz, who had already published his A Clergyman´s Daughter, asked him to write a research journalism book about the most depressed areas in England. The Road to Wigan Pier is the result of his two months journey up in the North, in Wigan, Barnsley and Sheffield.
