First Paper

Subject :# Narrativa Inglesa Desde el s.XVIII. Grupo A

Student´s name : GARCIA RIBES, FRAN

Title of the paper : Research on Tom Sharpe

Author or topic : Tom Sharpe

(image taken from: pg)

Abstract: I have decided to work on Tom Sharpe, a very known English satirical author who was born in London 30 March 1928 and who is still alive. I will focus my work on five different aspects: Biography, Bibliography, Written articles about the author, Translations,where you will find translated books of the author in different languages, and an aspect which I have liked it and I have decided to include it: Interviews.
Mainly, I have chosen him because I did not know anything about him and I think it can be a good way of knowing him: exploring all these aspects I am going to do.

Auto-evaluation: Tom Sharpe is a current author and is still alive what suposes that there can not be a lot of information about him. First time I looked up information about Tom Sharpe I found very few webpages to take infomation. Now, I have found much more webpages about him. I think I deserve an 8.

Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Fran García Ribes
Universitat de València Press
