I got in touch with Michael Joyce to ask him about the hypertext and
he answered me quickly. I read what he said to me and it was not totally
interesting to complete my work but I am pleased to read it
because he explains the hypertext but from his view.
He told me that Lasting Image is an interesting reading for us, but not
necessarily its “meaning” or what we intended.
Besides, he said to me that each author intends to be lyrical and
poetic in their choice of words and images. They do not state precisely
which in the end the most careful kind of precision is. Both the words
and the images “take license” for the sake of the overall effect, which
is not a strictly historical perspective but rather a fiction, even a
moral tale if you will.
Moreover he added this: “Lasting Image” makes use of a deck of images-
postcard views from the 1950's printed on wooden tiles- which I bought
in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles where an old Japanese woman was selling
off the antiquated remnants of an souvenir shop after the death of her
husband, a poignant scene which for me contributed to the mortality of
the story.
The hypertext was first created by glueing the texts to the back of
these cards and presented to my wife, the artist and hypertext writer
Carolyn Guyer, as a gift. Some time later she turned these into the
present web version. Thus this work was, first, a gift for each other,
and as such, very personal. Secondly, it's a form that we have both used
in our art since the mid-eighties.
Page last modified: 4th of December
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Fran García Ribes
Universitat de València Press