Poesía Inglesa de los Siglos XIX y XX

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Subject :14217 - Poesía Inglesa de los Siglos XIX y XX [Gr. A

   Student´s name : Garofalo Annalisa

- Love and Worship of Nature in romanticism // Introduction (collective paper)
-Love and Worship of Nature in Poetry from Victorians until 1970's // Vision of Nature in Aesthetic Pre-raphaelitism (collective paper)
- Love and Worship of Nature in the poetry from 1830 to 1950 // A Forsaken Garden by A. C. Swinburne(collective paper)
- I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth (individual paper)
- Nature in Tennyson's poem "In Memoriam" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (individual paper)
- WWI landscape in Siegfried Sassoon's short poems "France" and "Dream-Forest" (individual paper)
- Morning song by Sylvia Plath (individual paper)

Abstract : This website deals with Nature and Landscapes from the Romanticism to Modernism, analysing many authours, divided in three collective papers and four individual papers. I have tried to deepen the study of some movements as Romanticism, Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorianism, WWI poetry and Modernism, through  analysis of poems, influences and comparisons. Besides, the main target, principally in the collective papers, is the vision of nature and its worship in Romanticism,  in search of the influences in the following poetic movements between the nineteenth and the twentieth century. Enjoy it.

Auto-evaluation: I think that I have achieved the target of giving an overview of  these analysed poetic movement. So I think that I can get a good mark.


 Academic year 2006/2007
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Annalisa Garofalo

Universitat de València Press