Percy Bysshe Shelley

. Although he died before he was 30, the English lyric poet Percy Bysshe Shelley created masterpieces of Romantic poetry. Among them are such lyrics as 'The Cloud', 'To a Skylark', and 'Ode to the West Wind'. Shelley thought of himself as a reformer. He wanted to free mankind, \to purify life of its misery and evil. Shelley's schemes for reform, however, were often impractical. The critic Matthew Arnold characterized Shelley the reformer as a beautiful and ineffectual angel, beating in the void his luminous wings in vain.His poetry became the vehicle for his idealism. \par Shelley was born in Warnham, Sussex, England, on Aug. 4, 1792. His father was a lawyer and a member of Parliament. When the boy was 10 he was sent to the Sion House Academy, and two years later he entered Eton preparatory school. He was a good student in Greek and Latin, and in his own room he conducted many scientific experiments. Shelley was different from his classmates. He took no interest in cricket and football, and his schoolmates called him \mad Shelley.Shelley entered Oxford University in 1810. He was expelled six months later for writing a pamphlet attacking religion. In 1811 he married Harriet Westbrook, a girl of 16. They left for Dublin, Ireland, where Shelley distributed pamphlets and attempted to arouse the Irish to revolt. They soon returned to England and settled in the Lake District, where they hoped to meet the poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. They met Southey, but, more significantly, Shelley began a correspondence with the philosopher William Godwin. Shelley had read Godwin's book 'An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice' while at school, and it had profoundly affected him. The ideas inspired in Shelley by the book were expressed in his poem 'Queen Mab', written in 1813, and in his desire to effect reform in the world. By 1814 the Shelleys had separated. Shelley met Godwin's daughter Mary in that year and they soon eloped. They were married in 1816 after Harriet Shelley committed suicide. In 1818 the Shelleys left England for Italy. There Shelley wrote the works that represent his greatest achievement as a poet. His long tragedy 'The Cenci' (1819); the lyrical drama 'Prometheus Unbound' (1820); and his elegy on the death of John Keats, 'Adonais', were all written during this period. On July 8, 1822, Shelley was drowned while sailing with a friend off Livorno, Tuscany. His body was recovered and cremated on the beach. Shelley's other long poems include: 'Alastor: or, the Spirit of Solitude' (1816), 'The Revolt of Islam' (1817), 'Epipsychidion' (1821), and 'Hellas' (1822). Among his shorter poems are 'Hymn to Intellectual Beauty' (1816), 'Mont Blanc' (1816), 'Ozymandias' (1817), 'Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills' (1818), 'The Indian Serenade' (1819), 'Arethusa' (1820), and 'To Night' (1821).

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