Unit 8 - Metaphysical Poets:
- Brief Introduction
- Radio Podcast (The metaphysical poets) (41 min.)
Video recording of a poem selection
Six Centuries of Verse: Metaphysical and Devotional Poets (4 parts)
Part 1. J. Donne's The Flea, The Good Morrow
Part 2. J. Donne's The Sun Rising, The Apparition, Holy Sonnets (Death be not proud)
Part 3. G. Herbert (poem selection)
Part 4. A . Marvell's To his Coy Mistress
- Multiple Choice Quiz
Quiz - Questions on the English Civil War period and the Metaphysical Poets (10 items).
Other Videos - A collection of videos about the Metaphysical Poets, including documentaries of historical interest and lectures providing contextual information.
Other Links - A selected collection of websites providing useful information about the Metaphysical Poets and the English Civil War period.
Podcasts - A selection of recorded materials about the Metaphysical Poets, including audiobooks and related interviews.