


I am going to discuss how Shakespeare uses speech to characterise his characters in the historical plays and the way he presents facts, historical events, monarchs and subjects through the theatrical elements to make the Henriad universal pieces of theatre. .

In order to create a specific political atmosphere the didactic message is mixed between the king’s license to rule due to his divine right and his ability to govern wisely and in a responsible way. We can see in most of these plays the way Shakespeare presents the Kings Richard II, Henry IV, and Henry V and in addition, some characters of the plays like Gaunt or Falstaff which help to develop the message he wants to transmit the the audience.


These historical plays were set in a time where political propaganda was becoming a subject of importance in England due to the fact that the Queen Elizabeth I was very old and there was a problem of succession and therefore Tudor propaganda is an important fact in Shakespeare’s plays. In some way these plays are considered to be like a guide in order to elect the new king. As Amanda Mabilard says “this philosophy seems to be a combination of Tudor and Machiavellian theories on the nature of kingship and power”. In these plays the relationship between morality and kingship is criticised and, consequently, there are a lot of questions which need an answer: Which are the king’s duties? Which are the essential values to rule? To what an extent are kings likely to abuse power? Do the private decisions of the king affect politics? These topics had a great importance during the time these plays were written and performed. England as a patriotic entity is always the main subject, together with Wales, Scotland and Ireland which are normally represented in a comical or in an exaggerated way.


The historical plays combine tragic and comic elements and this seems to be an influence of the  morality plays in the medieval tradition. This, according to some critics, is due to the fact that Shakespeare held a critical attitude towards the moralities and it was a resort to them that gave a comic touch to his plays.


The history plays refer to the two more important English civil wars which took place during the XIV and XV century and which led to the famous War of the Roses which confronted the House of York (the white rose) and the House of Lancaster (Red Rose). The facts, characters and scenarios are based on the English Chronicles but the way they are dealt with in the play is Shakespeare’s original idea.

I have analysed some aspects of the history plays, more specifically, Richard II, Henry IV and Henry V.


Plays I have chosen for the analysis:


Richard II                                            Henry IV                                             Henry V




Visited: 12- Dcember 2008

Mabillard, Amanda. "Representations of Kingship and Power in Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy." Shakespeare Online. 2000.

Visited: 06 December 2008