Further Reading



Humphrey House, `Bleak House: The Time Scale', in The Dickens World (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1941)

John Butt and Kathleen Tillotson, `The Topicality of Bleak House', in Dickens at Work(London: Methuen, 1957), pp. 176-200

W.J. Harvey, `Bleak House', Character and the Novel (London: Chatto and Windus,

Q.D. Leavis, `Bleak House: A Chancery World', F.R. and Q.D. Leavis, Dickens the
Novelist (London: Chatto and Windus, 1970), pp. 118-86

J. Hillis Miller, `Introduction' to Bleak House', ed. Norman Page (Harmondsworth:Penguin, 1971), pp., 11-34; partially repr. in Charles Dickens, ed. Steven Connor (London: Longman `Critical Reader', 1996), pp. 59-75

F.S. Schwarzbach, `Bleak House: Homes for the Homeless', in Dickens and the City (London: Athlone Press, 1979), pp. 114-42

Susan Shatto, ''The Companion to Bleak House' (London: Allen and Unwin, 1987)


Critical Anthologies

`Bleak House': A Selection of Critical Essays, ed. A.E. Dyson (London: Macmillan
`Casebook', 1969)

Charles Dickens's `Bleak House', ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea Press, 1987)


Dramatisation and Adaptation

Malcolm Morley, `Bleak House Scene', The Dickensian, 49 (1953): 175-82

H. Philip Bolton, `Bleak House and the Playhouse', Dickens Studies Annual, 12 (1983):

H. Philip Bolton, Dickens Dramatized (London: Mansell, 1987)

Nina Auerbach, `Revelations on Pages and Stages', Victorian Literature and Culture,
ed. Adrienne Auslander Munich and Sandra Donaldson (New York: AMS Press, 1993),
pp. 1-18


Detection, Narrative and Power

D.A. Miller, `Discipline in Different Voices: Bureaucracy, Police, Family and Bleak House', The
Novel and the Police (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press,
1988); partially repr. in Charles Dickens, ed. Steven Connor (London:Longman `Critical Reader', 1996), pp. 135-50

David Cowles, `Methods of Inquiry, Modes of Evidence: Perception, Self-Deception and Truth in
Bleak House', The Dickensian, 87 (1991): 153-65

Jasmine Yong Hall, `What's Troubling About Esther: Narrating Policing, and Reisting Arrest in
Bleak House', Dickens Studies Annual, 22 (1993): 171-94

Peter Thoms, ` "The Narrow Track of Blood": Detection and Storytelling in Bleak House',
Nineteenth-Century Literature, 50 (1995): 147-67


On Esther: Female Narrative and Feminist Reading

Michael S. Kearns, ` "But I Cried Very Much": Esther Summerson as Narrator', Dickens
Quarterly, 1 (1984): 121-9

Carol A. Senf, `Bleak House: Esther, and the Androgynous Mind', Victorian Newsletter, 64
(1983): 21-27

Virginia Blain, `Double Vision and the Double Standard in Bleak House: A Feminist Perspective', Literature and History, 11 (1985): 31-46

Jane A. McCusker, `The Games Esther Plays: Chapter Three of Bleak House', The Dickensian,
81 (1985): 163- 74

Merritt Moseley, `The Ontology of Esther's Narrative in Bleak House', South Atlantic Review,
50 (1985): 35- 46

Suzanne Graver, `Writing in a "Womanly" Way and the Double Vision of Bleak House',
Dickens Quarterly, 4 (1987): 3- 15

Diane L. Jolly, `The Nature of Esther', The Dickensian, 86 (1990): 29-40

Marcia Renee Goodman, ` "I'll Follow the Other": Tracing the (M)Other in Bleak House',
Dickens Studies Annual, 19 (1990): 147-67

Anny Sadrin, `Charlotte Dickens: The Female Narrator of Bleak House', Dickens Quarterly, 9 (1992): 47-57

Richard T. Gaughan, ` "Their Places Are a Blank": The Two Narrators in Bleak House', Dickens Studies Annual, 21 (1992): 79-96

Timothy Peltason, `Esther's Will', ELH, 59 (1992): 671-91


Spontaneous Combustion

George Perkins, `Death By Spontaneous Combustion', The Dickensian, 60 (1964): 57-

E. Gaskell, `More About Spontaneous Combustion', The Dickensian, 69 (1973): 25-

Aida Farrag, `Zola, Dickens and Spontaneous Combustion Again', Romance Notes, 19
(1978): 190-

Brahma Chaudhuri, `Krook's Spontaneous Combustion Once More', Etudes Anglaises, 36
(1984): 438-9

Peter Denman, `Krook's Death and Dickens's Authorities', The Dickensian, 82 (1986):

William F. Long, `William Edmondstoune Aytoun and Another Case of Spontaneous Combustion',
The Dickensian, 87 (1991): 85- 92

John B. West, `Krook's Death By Spontaneous Combustion and the Controversy Between Dickens
and Lewes: A Physiologist's View', The Dickensian, 90 (1994):125-29

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