Subject : 14711
- Hipertextos y Literatura Inglesa - Grupo A
name : Kraus, Judith
Title of the paper : The Noon Quilt
Author or topic : Sue Thomas and Teri Hoskin
Abstract :
Auto-evaluation:I've been constructing this web site within the scope of a course called "Hypertexts and English Literature" in the faculty of Filología at the University of Valencia where I am attending an Erasmus year. During the course, we have been looking at various hypertexts and got to know different tools which are useful for making a homepage.
I chose this hypertext, because its artistic design immediately caught me and I think this form of a literary platform serves best to exchange views on different ways of life and writing.
In the introduction you will find an interpretation and explanations of the mainpage. In the analysis you can read interpretations of some of the noon stories.
Also have a look at the bibliography for more links to hypertexts and tools.
I actually wanted to contribute a "noon time story" on the quilt, but unfortunately it is closed for more stories. So I published my story as part of this site.
In the conclusion I will present my personal views about the work.
Now go ahead and enjoy... and you´ll see how quickly a noon can pass by while sharing some noon time thoughts with someone somewhere in the world...
Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés
© Judith Kraus
Universitat de València Press