You find this image when you decide to have lunch with Kate. You will go to the cheap place and you will order pasta.

In this image you see white plates and caps which may symbolize expectancy of learning something more about your cousin Jess. The background is black what may symbolize unconsciousness. However the dish is clean what may mean your expectancy will not be accomplished.

When the waiter brings your food you realize you aren’t already hungry and you don’t eat.









This picture is quite different from the others in two aspects. One of them is a meaning and the other one is that you can click on it.

You will find it after coming in the Polly's room. For the first time appears something representing another world, world of ancient Egypt. May be it shows desire for something new, for new ideas, new places or new perspective of life.

When you enter to this room you find Polly reading cards to find the answers for her questions.

If you click on it, it leads you to another image which shows five cards. However you don’t know whether these cards are yours or Polly’s.





    * (you can click on it here)





In this picture you see someone playing guitar. This image you find after deciding to go to the pub with Polly before going to the party.

The picture is quite blurred and this is why it results impossible to recognize all objects.

I guess it is because of the atmosphere in the pub. According to the text the pub is crowded, noisy and it is full of smoke which sticks to your hair. I









I have decided to analyze these two pictures together because they are very similar. Well, we can say they are coincident but at the same time they are different. We see them from different angles. In both picture we can see a man holding a bottle. We don’t know exactly what he is drinking, but as he is in the party I guess he is drinking alcohol.

We either know who he is. In my opinion he is Ned, but the text doesn’t say who he is. This image you will see when you will go to the party after spending some time in the pub.

When you enter to the party first person you see is Ned and this is what makes me suppose that the man from the picture is he.

It is important picture because it shows you a face of one of the protagonist and it is first time you can see someone clearly. You see     his shape but not his all face.

Maybe it symbolizes the closer relationship to the people from the house. After spending the whole day with them you know a little bit more about them












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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Káposztásová Monika
Universitat de València Press