Subject : # 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el siglo XVIII Grupo A



Student’s name: Káposztásová, Monika


Title of the paper: 24 hours with someone you know



Author or topic: Burne,Phillipa J.



Abstract: In this paper I analyzed the tools of this hypertext. I divided my work in different parts. One of them is a general summary of this short story where I talk about different “chapters” and several ways of reading the text. The next link is a structure with a small commentary that I suppose to be helpful to a better understanding of this text. Then there is analysis of the images from different perspective and the description of the characters and language they use. You will also find here the conclusion which is my personal opinion where I also write about difficulties I had to cope with.






Auto-evaluation: 8





Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Káposztásová Monika
Universitat de València Press


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