In this page you find just a general summary of the tools. In the following links they are analyzed more detailed.


This hypertext is made of thirty-two different links including one picture and one figure of watch. All of them are violet and after clicking they change to black color.

It is made of more than 8300 words at all. If you decide to read this hypertext you will spend approximately 52 minutes following the option COME IN or 1 hour and 5 minutes following the option LEAVE. However it depends on each reader, his rapidity and the election of options.



This is the list of all the links and number of words and lines after clicking to each of them:



You turn and knock on the door.  -  17 lines and 125 words.


come in. –48 lines and 516 words


leave. – 9 lines and 118 words


bookshop – 8 lines and 68 words


candle shop -  12 lines and 129 words


cafe – 18 lines and 199 words


flowers – 11 lines and 104 words


Someone grabs your arm. – 50 lines and 550 words


back to the house- 19 lines and 220 words


You go to the rally with Polly and Ned.- 25 lines and 288 words


You stay at the house. – 33 lines and 370 words


lunch – 39 lines and 493 words


walk -26 lines and 389 words


pub – 67 lines and 669 words


house – 19 lines and 220 words


the house – 19 lines and 220 words


Polly's in her room – 58 lines and 594 words


front room up the stairs – 30 lines and 295 words


pool – 38 lines and 470 words


Come on – 31 lines and 271 words


coming with me – 40 lines and 380 words


Pol's room – 55 lines and 593 words


downstairs  - 31 lines and 271 words


going straight there – 33 lines and 424 words


follow them out – 33 lines and 424 words


'So, are we having fun yet?' – 17 lines and 208 words


come with me – 26 lines and 309 words


go home – 26 lines and 298 words


But you will; you've got nowhere else to go. – 20 lines and 245 words




- This figure is situated in each page, under the text.


(* The links aren’t written in any order because the order of choices depends on the readers.)





The text is written in Times New Roman, size 12 and all the letters are black


Only one part is written in bald:


“Who's guilty now? Give us back our holiday pay. No return to the 1800s. No police state.”



I think that through these words the author want to describe a little bit these people. She wants to show you their ideals, feelings and what they are fighting for.




The background doesn’t change during reading. It is white all the time and to each “page” correspond just one image.


At the very bottom of each page is situated this copyright (also in bald style)


© Philippa J Burne 1996








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